NYT Mini Crossword Answers 01/25/2025

Today’s NYT Mini Crossword Answers: January 25, 2025



Comfy slip-on shoes, for short

MOCS: Short for moccasins, a type of soft slip-on shoe.

Convincing evidence

PROOF: Something that confirms or validates a claim.

Why you might breathe into a paper bag or drink water upside down

HICCUPS: A common condition these remedies aim to cure.

Start arguing

GOATIT: A phrase meaning to engage in a dispute or confrontation.

Mark left by trunks, perhaps

TANLINE: A line on the skin caused by uneven tanning.

Bird of Australia

EMU: A large, flightless bird native to Australia.

Bruce who starred in “Enter the Dragon”

LEE: Bruce Lee, a legendary martial artist and actor.

Small issue to “pick”

NIT: As in “nitpicking,” pointing out minor flaws.

Clairvoyant’s gift, for short

ESP: Extrasensory perception, the ability to perceive beyond normal senses.

Speed limit abbr.

MPH: Miles per hour, a unit of speed.

Art form with folding

ORIGAMI: The Japanese art of paper folding.

“___ milk is a natural laxative. That’s something Gilligan never told us” (“Cast Away” line)

COCONUT: A humorous reference to the movie “Cast Away.”

Where L.A. and San Diego are, casually

SOCAL: Southern California.

Utterly hopeless

FUTILE: Completely ineffective or pointless.

Trees with needles

PINES: Evergreen trees that have needle-like leaves.

Like a big roller coaster drop

STEEP: Describes a sharp incline or decline.

Number of “things I hate about you,” in a rom-com title

TEN: Refers to the movie “10 Things I Hate About You.”

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